Monday, 18 April 2011

Johannesburg, a dog, a window and me

I was in JHB this weekend for a conference. It was cold, wet, misty and well, interesting. Here is my story for my Saturday afternoon...

Around 4.40pm and I was going to get my stuff and get going back to the conference...

Me : I am just going to put on something warmer...

Soldier : Ok. See you now now.

I was sharing a room with a lady from Zimbabwe and so went up and closed the main door behind me to put on my warmer shoes. Yes, all I did was change my shoes. Not rocket science and does not talk about an hour to do...

30 minutes later... I was still in my room. If you were there you would have found me with one foot firmly placed on the wall about door handle height and both my hands gripped tightly around the door handle pulling with all my might. No luck. I am STUCK! No one has come to think where I can be and what is taking so long!

After observing the heights from each room and window I came to the conclusion of which window I would make the great jump from. Yes, I was going to jump out of the window.

By 5.20pm I had already thought about how good my aim could be by throwing chair upon chair to jump out of this window safely with as much spacing as possible. And thought about a table but it wouldn't fit and had also crawled out to hang by one hand about 5 times and pulled myself up. I think I realized how dangerous the jump would be given the space between the opposing wall and my wall(I think I can call it MY wall now), the light fixture that was in the way and the stairs on my right hand side.

Next option... throw the cushions from the couch onto the floor below. At least it would be a soft landing. In this I landed up speaking to the dog and asking it to go and bark for me. It looked up and just grunted as if it was laughing at the silly blonde girl hanging out the window.

5.35... The bus will leave soon. Without me. I heard some familiar voices and I screamed for my boyfriend only to have no luck. But the maid did come. She saw the pillows and without looking for where they magically fell from she started picking up my only hope of a soft landing(unless the dog walked past again before I jumped). I screamed again and with that my boyfriend and his fellow men were walking through and saw me. He laughed. Saw the pillows. Stopped laughing. Ran. Pushed the door open. Hugged me.

5.45... We left the house.


Anonymous said...

im sooo sorry you git stuck!what a nightmare it must have been-sorry Kelly! glad you got rescued eventually! x

Kelly Lubbee said...

Ha ha. Rescued with a hug! ah!

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