Friday, 25 March 2011

Les Triplettes De Belleville

A few years back I went to watch a very arty movie at the Cinema Nevou with my best (girl)friend. This movie was very arb as no one spoke a word... The Triplettes De Belleville is a french film about a boy who is fascinated with cycling and does cycle races too. One day he gets kid napped and his grandmother, who raised him goes in search to find him, along with old faithful Bruno, her dog.

The Triplettes De Belville are a trio of music, and quite fine french tunes of course... Along the way they entertain us in the travel of grandmother and grandson. And dog.
***I may have gotten this somewhat wrong as it is a talk-free movie so what you get is what it is. Please take a look at the site to get a better synopsis.

My fascination is with the graphics and style within the movie. An animation of its kind is to praised as I and other designers feel it is something to work from. Have a look at some pictures from throughout the movie.
Bruno and Grandma
The movie poster. Try look for it as it is amazing! 
The son racing for his life... 
Just some of the graphics... 
Images courtesy of :
and google =)

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