Thursday, 23 June 2011

Casanova has my heart!

So this week has been a rather unusual one. Me, who doesn't fall ill very often had a dizzy spell on Monday (which I have had a few times and thought nothing much of it). After the rest of the day at home resting I went to the clinic at Dischem to do blood sugar and blood pressure tests. The blood pressure I failed in getting 66/43 which the average is 120/80! They put me on oxygen and adrenaline ASAP and wheel chaired me out advising I spend the night in hospital to be monitored. I felt fine so went home, across the road. The next day I had to go to the doc for blood tests to see if I was anemic(not) and then yesterday I woke up with a frog in my throat so to speak and was exhausted from lack of sleeping that night. But there's an upside... After my sleep yesterday I woke up to eat some brunch and watched the Project Runway re-run. I adored the team who did the Military and Lace and this was the winning look from the team and I couldn't agree more. Casanova, you won brother.
Casanova's look is so chic and young! I love the FIT and the back of the top is amazing =) 

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