Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Alps Vs Man

I was reading a book last night whilst packing that had me captivated... It was about the world. No explanation needed.

I found this paragraph in the section about the Alps and I love how they put this... How great is God compared to man?

"Compared to other continents, Europe today seems neat and tidy. Its towns, its tiled fields, its roads and railways, its rivers and canals, its villages with their cottages and church spires, all suggest that man is master, that nature has been tamed and bridled.
But in the Alps not even the most arrogant man can cling long to the pretension of human superiority over nature. The mountains dwarf him, inspiring awe, demanding respect. They put man in his place, despite all hie modern scientific aids. They yield to men of courage and skill; but they punish reckless thoughtless adventurers without mercy." - The Readers Digest Book of World Travel, 1967
I read this and the song running through my head was "Beggars" from Thrice. How man thinks he is so great yet what does he actually do for the world but use and take?!
Take a listen and read the song below...

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